
长期从事污水资源化与绿色可持续发展领域的科研工作,主持国家级、省部级课题8项,厅局级横向课题7项,累计科研经费400余万。获发明专利授权5项,山东省科学技术进步奖1项。在环境领域知名国际期刊发表学术论文60余篇,其中ESI高被引论文(TOP 1%)4篇,论文他引率1700余次,H-index 21。现为国际水协会(IWA)会员、国际水协会中国青年委员会(IWA-China YWP)委员、中国环境科学学会会员、山东省环境科学学会会员、北美膜协会(NAMS)会员、美国化学协会(ACS)会员、国家自然科学基金评审专家。
办公电话:0531-88361712;E-mail: liangshuang@sdu.edu.cn;QQ:985057189
2015.09 ─ 教授、博士生导师、环境工程系副主任、流域水环境研究所副所长
2008.01 ─ 2015.08 bat365中文官方网站 副教授、硕士生导师
2011.04 ─2012.04 Visiting Scholar, Rice University
2006.12 ─ 2007.12 Research Fellow, National University of Singapore
2002.07─2007.07 Ph. D. National University of Singapore
1997.09─2001.07 工学学士 青岛理工大学
1) 教育部博士点新教师基金(200804221035);“用扩展DLVO理论解析污水处理中可溶性有机物膜污染机理”;课题负责人(教育部)
2) 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金(BS2009SW001);“动态膜生物反应器中膜形成与污染微观过程的分层解析及理论研究”;课题负责人(山东省科技厅)
3) 国家自然科学基金(50908133);“MBR中溶解性微生物产物膜污染界面微距作用机制定量解析”;课题负责人(国家自然科学基金委)
4) bat365中文官方网站自主创新基金(2010TS040);“自生动态膜过滤特性的分段微观解析与反应器综合模型创建”;课题负责人 (bat365中文官方网站)
5) 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2010EQ019);“自生动态膜生物反应器中成膜与污染“二阶段”微观理论研究体系的创建”;课题负责人(山东省自然科学基金委)
6) 留学回国人员科研启动基金(第40批);“MBR中可溶性有机物膜污染机制量化解析及理论评价体系构建”;课题负责人(教育部)
7) 国家重大科技专项(2012ZX07203-004-09)子任务;“河流反应器技术构建”;课题负责人(科技部)
8) 微网过滤生物反应器工艺特性及作用机制研究;课题负责人 (bat365中文官方网站)
9) 2013年第一批湖泊生态环境保护专项资金;“南四湖流域人工湿地及生态修复工程运营机制研究”;课题负责人(山东省环保厅)
10) 南四湖人工湿地工程技术应用与评估;课题负责人(山东省环保厅)
11) 南四湖退耕还湿调查与生态补偿机制研究;课题负责人(山东省环保厅)
12) 山东省化工企业聚集区地下水污染状况专项调查技术协作;课题负责人(山东省环保厅)
13) 山东省地下水基础环境状况调查评估-规模化畜禽养殖场案例;课题负责人(山东省环保厅)
14) 重金属排放状况数据分析;课题负责人(山东省环保厅)
15) 东营市落实“水十条”实施方案;课题负责人(东营市环保局)
16) 聊城市落实“水十条”实施方案;课题负责人(聊城市环保局)
1) Shuang Liang, Li Lu, Fangang Meng, (2017) "DOM-mediated membrane retention of fluoroquinolone as revealed by fluorescence quenching properties." Scientific Reports. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-05635-z.
2) Lin Tian, Chunyi Sun, Fengkai Sun, RuiQiang Zon, Shuang Liang, (2017) "Assessment of the synergistic ultrafiltration membrane fouling by TiO2 nanoparticles and humic acid using interaction energy analysis." Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/70227.
3) Shuang Liang, Yubo Zhao, Jian Zhang, Lianfa Song, (2017) "Bisection method for accurate modeling and simulation of fouling in hollow fiber membrane system." Environmental Science & Pollution Research , 24 (16) :14346-14354.
4) Abdolali, Atefeh, Ngo Huu Hao, Guo Wenshan, Zhou, John L., Zhang Jian, Liang Shuang, Chang Soon W., Dinh Duc Nguyen, Liu Yi, (2017) "Application of a breakthrough biosorbent for removing heavy metals from synthetic and real wastewaters in a lab-scale continuous fixed-bed column" Bioresource Technology, 229: 78-87.
5) Kang Yan, Zhang Jian, Xie Huijun, Ngo Huu Hao, Guo Wenshan, Liang Shuang, (2017) "Enhanced nutrient removal and mechanisms study in benthic fauna added surface-flow constructed wetlands: The role of Tubifex tubifex." Bioresource Technology, 224: 157-165.
6) Wu Haiming, Zhang Jian, Ngo Huu Hao, Guo Wenshan, Liang Shuang, (2017) "Evaluating the sustainability of free water surface flow constructed wetlands: Methane and nitrous oxide emissions" Journal of Cleaner Production, 147: 152-156.
7) Guo, Zizhang, Li Xu, Cui Liu, Fengkai Sun, Yan Kang, and Shuang Liang. (2016) "Comparison of physicochemical properties of activated carbons derived from biomass wastes by H4P2O7 activation: adsorption of trimethoprim." Desalination and Water Treatment, 57 (46) :1-11.
8) Wu, Haiming, Jinlin Fan, Jian Zhang, Huu Hao Ngo, Wenshan Guo, Shuang Liang, Jialong Lv, Shaoyong Lu, Weizhong Wu, and Suqing Wu. (2016) "Intensified organics and nitrogen removal in the intermittent-aerated constructed wetland using a novel sludge-ceramsite as substrate." Bioresource Technology, 210: 101-107.
9) Jian Zhang, Wenlin Jia, Rong Wang, Huu Hao Ngo, Wenshan Guo, Huijun Xie, and Shuang Liang. (2016) "Microbial community characteristics during simultaneous nitrification-denitrification process: effect of COD/TP ratio." Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(3): 2557-65.
10) Yan Huang, Xiang Zheng, Suping Feng, Zizhang Guo, and Shuang Liang. (2016) "Enhancement of rhodamine B removal by modifying activated carbon developed from Lythrum salicaria L. with pyruvic acid." Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 489 154-62.
11) Sun Haimeng, Hu Zhen, Zhang Jian, Wu Weizhong, Liang Shuang, Lu Shaoyong, Liu Huaqing. (2016) "Determination of hydraulic flow patterns in constructed wetlands using hydrogen and oxygen isotopes" Journal of Molecular Liquids, 223: 775-780.
12) Wu Haiming, Lin Li, Zhang Jian, Guo Wenshan, Liang Shuang, Liu Hai. (2016) "Purification ability and carbon dioxide flux from surface flow constructed wetlands treating sewage treatment plant effluent" Bioresource Technology, 219: 768-772.
13) Liu Huaqing, Hu Zhen, Zhang Jian, Ngo Huu Hao, Guo Wenshan, Liang Shuang, Fan Jinlin, Lu Shaoyong, Wu Haiming. (2016) "Optimizations on supply and distribution of dissolved oxygen in constructed wetlands: A review" Bioresource Technology, 214: 797-805.
14) Fan Jinlin, Zhang Jian, Guo Wenshan, Liang Shuang, Wu Haiming. (2016) "Enhanced long-term organics and nitrogen removal and associated microbial community in intermittently aerated subsurface flow constructed wetlands" Bioresource Technology, 214: 871-875.
15) Lijuan Deng, Wenshan Guo, Huu Hao Ngo, Mst Farzana Rahman Zuthi, Jian Zhang, Shuang Liang, Jianxin Li, Jie Wang, and Xinbo Zhang. (2015) "Membrane fouling reduction and improvement of sludge characteristics by bioflocculant addition in submerged membrane bioreactor." Separation and Purification Technology, 156: 450-58.
16) Pengfei Li, Jian Zhang, Huijun Xie, Cui Liu, Shuang Liang, Yangang Ren, and Wenxing Wang. (2015) "Heavy Metal Bioaccumulation and Health Hazard Assessment for Three Fish Species from Nansi Lake, China." Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 94 (4): 431-436.
17) Ngo, Huu Hao, Wenshan Guo, Jian Zhang, Shuang Liang, Cuong Ton-That, and Xinbo Zhang. (2015) "Typical low cost biosorbents for adsorptive removal of specific organic pollutants from water." Bioresource Technology, 182: 353-363.
18) Ren, Long-Fei, Shuang Liang, Huu Hao Ngo, Wenshan Guo, Shou-Qing Ni, Cui Liu, Yuan-Kun Zhao, and Daisuke Hira. (2015) "Enhancement of anammox performance in a novel non-woven fabric membrane bioreactor (nMBR)." RSC Advances, 5 (106): 86875-86884.
19) Ren, Yangang, Jinhe Wang, Li Xu, Cui Liu, Ruiqiang Zong, Jianlin Yu, and Shuang Liang. (2015) "Direct emissions of N2O, CO2, and CH4 from A/A/O bioreactor systems: impact of influent C/N ratio." Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 (11): 8163-8173.
20) Ren, Long-Fei, Shou-Qing Ni, Cui Liu, Shuang Liang, Bo Zhang, Qiang Kong, and Ning Guo. (2015) "Effect of zero-valent iron on the start-up performance of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) process." Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22(4): 2925-34.
21) Wang, Qian, Huijun Xie, Huu Hao Ngo, Wenshan Guo, Jian Zhang, Cui Liu, Shuang Liang, Zhen Hu, Zhongchen Yang, and Congcong Zhao. (2015) "Microbial abundance and community in subsurface flow constructed wetland microcosms: role of plant presence." Environmental Science and Pollution Research: 1-10.
22) Wang, Qian, Huijun Xie, Jian Zhang, Shuang Liang, Huu Hao Ngo, Wenshan Guo, Chen Liu, Congcong Zhao, and Hao Li. (2015) "Effect of plant harvesting on the performance of constructed wetlands during winter: radial oxygen loss and microbial characteristics." Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22(10): 7476-84.
23) Wei, Dong, Bin Du, Jian Zhang, Zhen Hu, Shuang Liang, and Yiran Li. (2015) "Composition of extracellular polymeric substances in a partial nitrification reactor treating high ammonia wastewater and nitrous oxide emission." Bioresource Technology, 190: 474-479.
24) Wu, Haiming, Jinlin Fan, Jian Zhang, Huu Hao Ngo, Wenshan Guo, Zhen Hu, and Shuang Liang. (2015) "Decentralized domestic wastewater treatment using intermittently aerated vertical flow constructed wetlands: Impact of influent strengths." Bioresource Technology, 176: 163-168.
25) Wu, Haiming, Jinlin Fan, Jian Zhang, Huu Hao Ngo, Wenshan Guo, Shuang Liang, Zhen Hu, and Hai Liu. (2015) "Strategies and techniques to enhance constructed wetland performance for sustainable wastewater treatment." Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 (19): 14637-14650.
26) Zhang, Jian, Jing Qin, Congcong Zhao, Cui Liu, Huijun Xie, and Shuang Liang. (2015) "Response of Bacteria and Fungi in Soil Microcosm under the Presence of Pesticide Endosulfan." Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 226 (4): 1-9.
27) Zhang, Jian, Qian Wang, Jinlin Fan, Huijun Xie, Cui Liu, Shuang Liang, Zhen Hu, Zhongchen Yang, and Congcong Zhao. (2015) "Comparisons of microbial abundance and community among different plant species in constructed wetlands in summer." Ecological Engineering, 82: 376-380.
28) Zhao, Congcong, HuiJun Xie, Jingtao Xu, Xiaoli Xu, Jian Zhang, Zhen Hu, Cui Liu, Shuang Liang, Qian Wang, and Jingmin Wang. (2015) "Bacterial community variation and microbial mechanism of triclosan (TCS) removal by constructed wetlands with different types of plants." Science of the Total Environment, 505: 633-639.
29) Wu, Haiming, Jian Zhang, Huu Hao Ngo, Wenshan Guo, Zhen Hu, Shuang Liang, Jinlin Fan, and Hai Liu. (2015) "A review on the sustainability of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment: Design and operation." Bioresource Technology, 175: 594-601.
30) Deng, Lijuan, Wenshan Guo, Huu Hao Ngo, Jian Zhang, Shuang Liang, Siqing Xia, Zhiqiang Zhang, and Jianxin Li. (2014) "A comparison study on membrane fouling in a sponge-submerged membrane bioreactor and a conventional membrane bioreactor." Bioresource Technology, 165: 69-74.
31) Hossain, Md Anwar, Huu Hao Ngo, Wenshan Guo, Jian Zhang, and Shuang Liang. (2014) "A laboratory study using maple leaves as a biosorbent for lead removal from aqueous solutions." Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, 49 (3): 195-209.
32) Li, Fengmin, Lun Lu, Xiang Zheng, Huu Hao Ngo, Shuang Liang, Wenshan Guo, and Xiuwen Zhang. (2014) "Enhanced nitrogen removal in constructed wetlands: effects of dissolved oxygen and step-feeding." Bioresource Technology, 169: 395-402.
33) Liu, Hai, Shuang Liang, Jinhong Gao, Huu Hao Ngo, Wenshan Guo, Zizhang Guo, Jing Wang, and Yiran Li. (2014) "Enhancement of Cr (VI) removal by modifying activated carbon developed from Zizania caduciflora with tartaric acid during phosphoric acid activation." Chemical Engineering Journal, 246: 168-174.
34) Luo, Yunlong, Wenshan Guo, Huu Hao Ngo, Long Duc Nghiem, Faisal Ibney Hai, Jian Zhang, Shuang Liang, and Xiaochang C Wang. (2014) "A review on the occurrence of micropollutants in the aquatic environment and their fate and removal during wastewater treatment." Science of the Total Environment, 473: 619-641.
35) Nguyen, Tah, HH Ngo, WS Guo, TV Nguyen, J Zhang, S Liang, SS Chen, and NC Nguyen. (2014) "A comparative study on different metal loaded soybean milk by-product ‘okara’for biosorption of phosphorus from aqueous solution." Bioresource Technology, 169: 291-298.
36) Nguyen, Tah, HH Ngo, WS Guo, J Zhang, S Liang, DJ Lee, PD Nguyen, and XT Bui. (2014) "Modification of agricultural waste/by-products for enhanced phosphate removal and recovery: Potential and obstacles." Bioresource Technology, 169: 750-762.
37) Wang, Zhizhen, Fangang Meng, Xiang He, Zhongbo Zhou, Li-Nan Huang, and Shuang Liang. (2014) "Optimisation and performance of NaClO-assisted maintenance cleaning for fouling control in membrane bioreactors." Water Research, 53: 1-11.
38) Zhang, Jian, Haiming Wu, Zhen Hu, Shuang Liang, and Jinlin Fan. (2014) "Examination of oxygen release from plants in constructed wetlands in different stages of wetland plant life cycle." Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21 (16): 9709-9716.
39) Zhao, Congcong, HuiJun Xie, Yang Mu, Xiaoli Xu, Jian Zhang, Cui Liu, Shuang Liang, Huu Hao Ngo, Wenshan Guo, and Jingtao Xu. (2014) "Bioremediation of endosulfan in laboratory-scale constructed wetlands: effect of bioaugmentation and biostimulation." Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21 (22): 12827-12835.
40) Nguyen, Tah, HH Ngo, WS Guo, J Zhang, S Liang, QY Yue, Q Li, and TV Nguyen. (2013) "Applicability of agricultural waste and by-products for adsorptive removal of heavy metals from wastewater." Bioresource Technology, 148: 574-585.
41) Fan, Jinlin, Shuang Liang, Bo Zhang, and Jian Zhang. (2013) "Enhanced organics and nitrogen removal in batch-operated vertical flow constructed wetlands by combination of intermittent aeration and step feeding strategy." Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20 (4): 2448-2455.
42) Hu, Zhen, Jian Zhang, Huijun Xie, Shuang Liang, and Shanping Li. (2013) "Minimization of nitrous oxide emission from anoxic–oxic biological nitrogen removal process: effect of influent COD/NH4+ ratio and feeding strategy." Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 115 (3): 272-278.
43) Jia, Wenlin, Shuang Liang, Huu Hao Ngo, Wenshan Guo, Jian Zhang, Rong Wang, and Yina Zou. (2013) "Effect of phosphorus load on nutrients removal and N2O emission during low-oxygen simultaneous nitrification and denitrification process." Bioresource Technology, 141: 123-130.
44) Jia, Wenlin, Shuang Liang, Jian Zhang, Huu Hao Ngo, Wenshan Guo, Yujie Yan, and Yina Zou. (2013) "Nitrous oxide emission in low-oxygen simultaneous nitrification and denitrification process: sources and mechanisms." Bioresource Technology, 136: 444-451.
45) Kong, Qiang, Shuang Liang, Jian Zhang, Huijun Xie, Mingsheng Miao, and Lin Tian. (2013) "N2O emission in a partial nitrification system: dynamic emission characteristics and the ammonium-oxidizing bacteria community." Bioresource Technology, 127: 400-406.
46) Kong, Qiang, Jian Zhang, Mingsheng Miao, Lin Tian, Ning Guo, and Shuang Liang. (2013) "Partial nitrification and nitrous oxide emission in an intermittently aerated sequencing batch biofilm reactor." Chemical Engineering Journal, 217: 435-441.
47) Liang, Shuang, Luojuan Qu, Fangang Meng, Xueli Han, and Jian Zhang. (2013) "Effect of sludge properties on the filtration characteristics of self-forming dynamic membranes (SFDMs) in aerobic bioreactors: Formation time, filtration resistance, and fouling propensity." Journal of Membrane Science, 436: 186-194.
48) Li, Cong, Shuang Liang, Jian Zhang, Huu Hao Ngo, Wenshan Guo, Nan Zheng, and Yina Zou. (2013) "N2O reduction during municipal wastewater treatment using a two-sludge SBR system acclimatized with propionate." Chemical Engineering Journal, 222: 353-360.
49) Li, Cong, Ting Wang, Nan Zheng, Jian Zhang, Huu Hao Ngo, Wenshan Guo, and Shuang Liang. (2013) "Influence of organic shock loads on the production of N2O in denitrifying phosphorus removal process." Bioresource Technology, 141: 160-166.
50) Li, Cong, Jian Zhang, Shuang Liang, Huu Hao Ngo, Wenshan Guo, Yingying Zhang, and Yina Zou. (2013) "Nitrous oxide generation in denitrifying phosphorus removal process: main causes and control measures." Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20 (8): 5353-5360.
51) Nguyen, TAH, HH Ngo, WS Guo, J Zhang, S Liang, and KL Tung. (2013) "Feasibility of iron loaded ‘okara’for biosorption of phosphorous in aqueous solutions." Bioresource Technology, 150: 42-49.
52) Wu, Haiming, Jian Zhang, Rong Wei, Shuang Liang, Cong Li, and Huijun Xie. (2013) "Nitrogen transformations and balance in constructed wetlands for slightly polluted river water treatment using different macrophytes." Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20 (1): 443-451.
53) Yang, Sen, Ming-Ming Gao, Shuang Liang, Shu-Guang Wang, and Xin-Hua Wang. (2013) "Effects of step-feed on long-term performances and N2O emissions of partial nitrifying granules." Bioresource technology 143: 682-85.
54) Zhao, Congcong, HuiJun Xie, Jian Zhang, Jingtao Xu, and Shuang Liang. (2013) "Spatial distribution of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and effect of soil characters: a case study of a pesticide producing factory." Chemosphere, 90 (9): 2381-2387.
55) Liang, Shuang, Tingting Zhao, Jian Zhang, Fengkai Sun, Cui Liu, and Lianfa Song. (2012) "Determination of fouling-related critical flux in self-forming dynamic membrane bioreactors: interference of membrane compressibility." Journal of Membrane Science, 390: 113-120.
56) Meng, Fangang, Baoqiang Liao, Shuang Liang, Fenglin Yang, Hanmin Zhang, and Lianfa Song. (2010). "Morphological visualization, componential characterization and microbiological identification of membrane fouling in membrane bioreactors (MBRs)." Journal of Membrane Science, 361 (1): 1-14.
57) Li, Xiao-Bin, Dan-Qin Wang, Shuang Liang, Gui-Hua Liu, Zhi-Hong Peng, and Qiu-Sheng Zhou. (2010). "Relationship between electric conductivity and ion structure of sodium aluminate solution ." Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 31 (8): 1651-1655.
58) Liang, Shuang, Cui Liu, and Lianfa Song. (2009) "Two-step optimization of pressure and recovery of reverse osmosis desalination process." Environmental Science & Technology, 43 (9): 3272-3277.
59) Liang, Shuang, Yan Zhao, Cui Liu, and Lianfa Song. (2008) "Effect of solution chemistry on the fouling potential of dissolved organic matter in membrane bioreactor systems." Journal of Membrane Science, 310 (1): 503-511.
60) Liang, Shuang, Cui Liu, and Lianfa Song. (2007) "Soluble microbial products in membrane bioreactor operation: behaviors, characteristics, and fouling potential." Water Research, 41 (1): 95-101.
61) Liang, Shuang, and Lianfa Song. (2007) "Characteristics and fouling behaviors of dissolved organic matter in submerged membrane bioreactor systems." Environmental Engineering Science, 24 (5): 652-662.
62) Song, Lianfa, Shuang Liang, and Liangyong Yuan. (2007) "Retarded transport and accumulation of soluble microbial products in a membrane bioreactor." Journal of Environmental Engineering, 133 (1):36-43.
63) Liang, Shuang, Lianfa Song, Guihe Tao, Kiran Arun Kekre, and Harry Seah. (2006) "A modeling study of fouling development in membrane bioreactors for wastewater treatment." Water Environment Research: 857-863.