
IWA/日本水环境协会会员,日本土木学会会员,废弃物资源循环学会会员,环境化学会员,Archaea, Bioresource Technology, Waste Management, Chemical Engineering Journal, Chemosphere, Ecological Engineering, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology等十余种国际期刊的特约审稿人。
5.分子生物学技术解析微生物生态regime shift(生物信息学统计分析R)。
2010.10 – 2014.04国立東北大学 (日本)都市地域环境 CSC公派 博士(工学类)
2009.08 – 2010.06 国立熊本大学 (日本) 环境工程专业 JASSO硕士交换(工学)
2007.10 – 2010.07桂林理工大学 环境工程专业 硕士(工学)
2003.09 – 2007.07曲阜师范大学 生命科学学院 学士(理学)
2011.03–2014.03日本文部省亚非环境领导人培养计划项目SERMSS(Strategies Energy and Resource Management and Sustainable Solutions)
工作职位:[2014.04-2016.06] 日本学术振兴会-外国人特别研究员(JSPS)
[2016.06-2016.12] 日本JST科学枝术振兴会产学官连携研究员
[2017. ---- 今] bat365中文官方网站环境学院 副研究员
1. 国家自然科学基金-重点项目,NSFC-山东, 2019.01-2023.12;
2. 国家自然科学青年基金,批准号:51608304,2017.01-2019.12;
3. 学科高峰计划之 ‘青年学者未来计划’项目,bat365中文官方网站,2018.07-2023.07;
4. bat365中文官方网站人才引进专项, 2017.-2020;
5. 中国博士后科学基金62批面上资助,博后188762
6. 中国博士后科学基金,特别资助,
7. 天津市水质科学与技术重点实验室基金2017.10.01-2019.09.30;
8. 江苏省厌氧生物技术重点实验室基金,
9. 日本学术振兴会研究项目(26・04044):メタン発酵液の処理に対応する新規アナモックスプロセスの開発,项目负责人, 2014.04-2016.03;
1. 2016.6-今 日本科学技術振興機構(JST).先端発酵と精製技術を用いた生ごみの清潔処理によるバイオガス生成の実証研究.
2. 2014-2015, JSPS挑戦的萌芽研究(26550056).嫌気性古細菌と硫黄代謝細菌の融合制御による硫酸塩含有廃水の新規処理技術の研究。
3. 2012-2013日本农业部地域环境中心,工学研究振興会合作项目:日本大型沼气发酵厂消化槽中功能菌群分布研究。
4. 2012-2013,日本学振研究課題番号:12F02053熱処理の導入による下水汚泥と生ごみの混合メタン発酵の効率化。
5. 2013-2014,日本学振研究課題番号:13F03736.埋立処分場浸出水処理のための廉価・高効率システムの研究。
6. 2011-2013Hitachi(日立公司)合作委托课题:单相高浓度鸡粪发酵研究。
1. IWA国际水协/最佳海报奖Poster award for young researcher. IWA- AGRO(2014.10)
2. AT3E 国际会议最佳发表奖
3. 化学、环境与健康 全国博士后论坛最佳海报奖
4. bat365中文官方网站学科高峰计划之 ‘青年学者未来计划(2018.07-2023.07)
5. 日本学术振兴会JSPS fellowship(2014.04-2016.04)
6. 日本東北大学环境科学研究科(学院).科长赏(院长赏).(2014.03)
7. CSC中国国家留学基金委/国家建设高水平大学公派奖学金.中国(2010.10-2014.03)
8. 日本文部省国际环境领导人团队培养计划毕业证.日本(2011.9- 2014.03)
9. SERMSS国际环境leader-奖学金.日本(2011.9 - 2014.03)
10. 日本JASSO奖学金.日本(2009 - 2010)
n 6.发表论文与著作
English Book
1. Y.-Y. Li, S. Gadow,Qigui Niu. Biomass Energy Using Methane and Hydrogen from Waste Materials.in:Topical Themes in Energy and Resources,Springer, pp. 131-157. March 15th 2015. (ISBN 978-4-431-55309-0).
2. Qigui Niu,Y-Y Li. Recycling of livestock manure waste into bioenergy. in:Recycling of Solid Waste for Bio-fuels and Biochemicals.Springer,Aug. 30th
2015 (ISBN978-981-10-0150-5).
1. M Xu, J Wan, Q Niu, R Liu,PFOA and PFOS interact with superoxide dismutase and induce cytotoxicity in mouse primary hepatocytes: A combined cellular and molecular methods
Environmental research 175, 63-70 2019
2. S Gao, Z Cao, Q Niu, W Zong, R Liu,Probing the toxicity of long-chain fluorinated surfactants: Interaction mechanism between perfluorodecanoic acid and lysozyme
Journal of Molecular Liquids 285, 607-6152019
3. W Li, Q Niu, W Jiang, X Luan, W Qi, Y Zhang, YY Li, Y Gao, M Yang,Enhanced anaerobic performance and SMD process in treatment of sulfate and organic S-rich TMBA manufacturing wastewater by Micro-electric field–zero valent iron-UASB.Journal of Hazardous Materials2019
4. L Song, D Li, H Fang, X Cao, R Liu, Q Niu, YY Li. Revealing the correlation of biomethane generation, DOM fluorescence, and microbial community in the mesophilic co-digestion of chicken manure and sheep manure at different. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-142019
5. L Song, D Li, X Cao, Y Tang, R Liu, Q Niu, YY Li. Optimizing biomethane production of mesophilic chicken manure and sheep manure digestion: Mono-digestion and co-digestion kinetic investigation, autofluorescence analysis. Journal of environmental management 237, 103-1131 2019
6. R Zhang, C Jia, L Zhao, J Pan, Q Niu, R Liu. Characterization of the interaction between carbon black and three important antioxidant proteins using multi spectroscopy and modeling simulations.Chemosphere 222, 823-8301 2019
7. D Li, L Song, H Fang, Y Teng, H Cui, YY Li, R Liu, Q Niu. Optimization of biomethane production in mono-cardboard digestion: key parameters influence, batch test kinetic evaluation and DOM indicators variation. Energy & Fuels 2019
8. L Song, Y Song, D Li, R Liu, Q Niu. The auto fluorescence characteristics, specific activity, and microbial community structure in batch tests of mono-chicken manure digestion. Waste management 83, 57-67 2019
9. Qigui Niu, Wei Qiao, Hong Qiang,Toshimasa Hojo, Yu-You Li. Mesophilic methane fermentation of chicken manure at a wide range of ammonia concentration: stability, inhibition and recovery.Bioresource Technology.Vol. 137, pp 358–367, Jun. 2013.
10. Qigui Niu, Wei Qiao, Hong Qiang,Yu-You Li. Microbial community shifts and biogas conversion computation during steady, inhibited and recovered stages of thermophilic methane fermentation on chicken manure with a wide variation of ammonia.Bioresource Technology. Vol. 146, pp 223–233, Oct. 2013.
11. Qigui Niu, Toshimasa Hojo, Hong Qiang, Wei Qiao, Yu-You Li. Characterization of methanogenesis, acidogenesis and hydrolysis in thermophilic methane fermentation of chicken manure at a wide range of ammonia concentration:stability and inhibition.Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol.244, pp. 587-596. Dec.2013.
12. Qigui Niu, Kengo Kubota, Yu-You Li. Dynamic transition of archaeal and bacterial community with functional resilient comparison in Mesophilic and Thermophilic methane fermentation on chicken manure in response to overload of ammonia.Waste Management. Vol.43, pp. 114-122. Sep.2015
14. Qigui Niu, Kengo Kubota,Wei Qiao,Zhaoqian Jing, Yanlong Zhang, Yu-You Li. Effect of ammonia inhibition on microbial community dynamic and process functional resilience in mesophilic methane fermentation of chicken manure.Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology-JCTB. Vol.90, pp.2161-2169. Jun. 2015.
15. Qigui Niu, Takuro Kobayashi, Kengo Kubota,Yasuyuki Takemura,Yu-You Li. Evaluation of functional microbial community's difference in full-scale and lab-scale anaerobic digesters feeding with different organic solid waste: effects of substrate and operation factors.Bioresource Technology.Vol.193,pp110-118. Oct.2015.
16. Shilong He1,Qigui Niu1*(通讯),YY Li, Yulun Nie, Meifeng Hou. Characteristic of microbial communities and associated factors analysis within different natural and artificial saline environments.Ecological Engineering. Vol.83,pp. 476-484. Oct.2015.
17. Qigui Niu, Yanlong Zhang, Shilong He,Yu-You Li. Batch kinetics and modeling of the mixture cultured anammox from long term operated UASB and EGSB reactors. RSC Advances.DOI:10.1039/C5RA14648H. 6 (5), 3487-3500.2016.
18. Qigui Niu, Shilong He,Yanlong Zhang, Haiyuan Ma,Yu-You Li. Process kinetic evaluation and application performance of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor withAnammoxmixed culture. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation.Vol.108,pp24-33. Sep. 2016.
19. Qigui Niu,Yu-You Li,Yanlong Zhang. Factors associated with the process stability and recovery control of coexisted anammox reaction in a long-term operated UASB reactor. Bioresource Technology. Vol.203,pp132-141.2016.
19. J Wu,Qigui Niu, L Li, Y Hu, C Mribet, T Hojo. Agradual change between methanogenesis and sulfidogenesis during a long-term UASB treatment of sulfate-rich chemical wastewater. Science of the Total Environment. 2018 - Elsevier
20. S He, W Yang, M Qin, Z Mao, Qigui Niu, M Han. Performance and microbial community of anammox in presence of micro-molecule carbon source. Chemosphere, 2018 - Elsevier
21. Y Zhang, H Ma, R Chen,Qigui Niu, YY Li. Stoichiometric variation and loading capacity of a high-loading anammox attached film expanded bed (AAEEB) reactor.- Bioresource technology, 2018 - Elsevier
22. S He, Y Chen, M Qin, Z Mao, L Yuan,Qigui Niu. Effects of temperature on anammox performance and community structure. Bioresource Technology, 2018
23. W Yang, S He, M Han, B Wang,Qigui Niu, Y Xu. Nitrogen removal performance and microbial community structure in the start-up and substrate inhibition stages of an anammox reactor. Journal of bioscience , 2018
24. R Chen, Y Nie, N Tanaka,Qigui Niu, Q Li, YY Li. Enhanced methanogenic degradation of cellulose-containing sewage via fungi-methanogens syntr ophic association in an anaerobic membrane bioreactor.Bioresource Technology 245, 810-818 2017 2017
25. Y Liu,Qigui Niu, S Wang, J Ji, Y Zhang, M Yang, T Hojo, YY Li, Upgrading of the symbiosis of Nitrosomanas and anammox bacteria in a novel single-stage partial nitritation–anammox system: Nitrogen removal potential and Microbial characterization. Bioresource Technology 244, 463-472.2017
26. H Ma,Qigui Niu, Y Zhang, S He, YY Li, Substrate inhibition and concentration control in an UASB-Anammox process. Bioresource Technology 238, 263-272.2017
27. S Wang, Y Liu,Qigui Niu, J Ji, T Hojo, YY Li, Nitrogen removal performance and loading capacity of a novel single-stage nitritation-anammox system with syntrophic micro-granules. Bioresource Technology 236, 119-128.2017
28. Yulun Nie,Qigui Niu, Hiroyuki Kato, Toshiki Sugo, Xike Tian, Yu-You Li:Efficient methanogenic degradation of alcohol ethoxylates and microbial community acclimation in treatment of municipal wastewater using a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology 02/2017;, DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.2016.11.128 2017
29. Yanlong Zhang, Haiyuan Ma,Qigui Niu, Rong Chen, Toshimasa Hojo, Yu-You Li:Effects of substrate shock on the extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) excretion and characteristics of attached biofilm anammox granules. RSC Advances 12/2016; 6(114)., DOI:10.1039/C6RA20097D 2016
30. Yanlong Zhang, Haiyuan Ma,Qigui Niu, Rong Chen, Toshimasa Hojo, Yu-You Li:Effects of soluble microbial products (SMP) on the performance of an anammox attached film expanded bed (AAFEB) reactor: Synergistic interaction and toxic shock. Bioresource Technology 10/2016; 222., DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.2016.09.129 2016
31. Wensong Duan,Qigui Niu, Xiaoguang Xu, Wei Li, Dafang Fu.Influence of attapulgite addition on the biological performance and microbial communities of submerged dynamic membrane bioreactor. Dec 2016 · Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination.20162016
32. J Du, W Qi,Q Niu, Y Hu, Y Zhang, M Yang, YY Li.Inhibition and acclimation of nitrifiers exposed to erythromycin. Ecological Engineering 94, 337-343. 2016 (IF= 2.58)
33. Yanlong Zhang, Qigui Niu ,Haiyuan Ma,Shilong He,Kengo Kubota, Yu-You Li. Long-term operation performance and variation of substrate tolerance ability in an anammox attached film expanded bed(AAFEB) reactor.Bioresource Technology. Vol.211,pp31-40.2016.
34. Yanlong Zhang, Shilong He,Qigui Niu, Weikang Qi.Characterization of three types of inhibition and their recovery processes in an anammox UASB reactor" has been been assigned the following manuscript number.Biochemical Engineering Journal. Vol.109,pp212-221. Oct. 2016.
35. W Li, X Xu, M Fujibayashi,Qigui Niu, N Tanaka, O Nishimura.Response of microalgae to elevated CO2 and temperature: impact of climate change on freshwater ecosystems.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-14. 7.162016
36. Shilong He,Qigui Niu, Haiyuan Ma,Yanlong Zhang, Yu-You Li. The purification performance and the bacteria preservation of Anammox: a review. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution.2015, 226 (5), 1-16.
37. Shilong He, Yanlong Zhang,Qigui Niu, Haiyuan Ma, Yu-You Li. Treatment performance and stability of an Anammox EGSB reactor subjected to transient pH shock.Ecological Engineering. Vol.90,pp50-56.. 2016.
38. Zhaoqian Jing, Rui He,Yong Hu,Qigui Niu,Shiwei Cao,Yu-You Li. Practice of integrated system of biofiter and constructed wetland in highly polluted surface water treatment.Ecological Engineering. 2015; Vol.75,pp 462-469.
39. Yong Hu, Zhaoqian Jing, Yuta Sudo,Qigui Niu, Jingru Du, Jiang Wu, Yu-You Li. Effect of influent COD/SO42- ratios on UASB treatment of a synthetic sulfate-containing wastewater.Chemosphere. Vol.130, pp24-33;2015.
40. Wei cheng Li, Hong Chen, Yong Jin, Hong Zhang,Qigui Niu, Weikang Qi, Yanlong Zhang, Yu-You Li, Yingxin Gao. Treatment of 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzaldehyde and Di-bromo -aldehyde manufacturing wastewater by the coupled Fenton pretreatment and UASB reactor with emphasis on optimization and chemicals analysis.Separation and Purification Technology. Vol. 142, pp 40–47. Mar. 2015.
41. Weicheng Li, Qigui Niu, Hong Zhang,Zhe Tian, Yu Zhang, Y.Y. Li, yingxin Gao,Osamu Nishimura, Min Yang.UASB treatment of chemical synthesis-based pharmaceutical wastewater containing rich organic sulfur compounds and sulfates and associated microbial characteristics.Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol.260,pp55-63. Jun.2014.
42. Hong Qiang,Qigui Niu, Yongzhi Chi,Yu-You Li.Trace metals requirements for continuous thermophilic methane fermentation of high-solid food waste. Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 222, pp 330–336, Apr. 2013.
43. Zhaoqian Jing, Yong Hu,Qigui Niu, Yuyu Liu,Yu-You Li, Wang Xiaochang. UASB performance and electron competition between methane-producing archaea and sulfate-reducing bacteria in treating sulfate-rich wastewater containing ethanol and acetate. Bioresource Technology. Vol.137, pp 349–357. Jun.2013.
44. Wei Qiao, Kazuyuki Takayanagi,Qigui Niu, Mohammad Shofie,Yu-You Li. Long-term stability of thermophilic co-digestion submerged anaerobic membrane reactor encountering high organic loading rate,persistent propionate and detectable hydrogen in biogas. Bioresource Technology.Vol.150, pp249–258. Jun.2013.
45. Wei Qiao, Kazuyuki Takayanagi, Mohammad Shofie,Qigui Niu,Yu-You Li.Thermophilic anaerobic digestion of coffee grounds with and without waste activated sludge as co-substrate using a submerged AnMBR: system amendments and membrane performance.Bioresource Technology.Vol. 149, pp 92-102. Jul.2013.
46. Haiyuan Maa,1, Qigui Niua,1, Yanlong Zhanga,Shilong He, Yu-You Li ac*. The effects of substrate concentration and NLR on the UASB-Anammmx process: performance evaluation and SAA variation along height.Bioresource Technology.
47. 張彦隆,牛啓桂, 李玉友.活性汚泥と消化汚泥を用いたAnammoxグラニユールの培養および阻害因子の解析.土木学会論文集. Vol. 69, pp 515-522,2013。
48. 北條俊昌,牛啓桂, 喬玮,李玉友.高濃度鶏糞のメタン発酵におけるアンモニア阻害と発酵温度の影響.土木学会論文集. Vol. 69, pp 615-621,2013。
49. 胡勇,須藤裕太,牛啓桂,北條俊昌,李玉友.UASBリアクター内のメタン生成と硫酸塩還元の競合に及ぼすpHショックとH2S阻害の影響. 水環境学会誌. Vol. 38 No. 1. pp1-8,2015。
50. 張彦隆,何士龍,馬海元,牛啓桂,李玉友.UASB型Anammox反応槽の運転特性と化学量論解析. 下水道研究発表会講演集. Vol. 51st, pp:28-30. 2014.7.15。
51. 李玉友,牛启桂.有机废弃物厌氧技术展望.Biotechnology & business生物产业技术. 专题邀稿论文(并列通讯).Vol.3,pp1-7. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-0319. 2014.49.005。