
邮箱: hongjing@sdu.edu.cn 电话: 0532-58360969
bat365中文官方网站特聘教授,博士生导师,无党派人士;连续多年入选了全球前2%顶尖科学家“终身科学影响力榜单”和“全球顶尖前10万科学家榜单”,是爱思唯尔2019工业和制造工程领域中国高被引学者;主要研究方向为产业生态设计及全过程环境风险足迹量化管控。曾任国务院立项的《中国大百科全书》(第三版)生态学卷生态经济与产业生态学分支主编、国际水协会(IWA)水-LCA工作组亚洲代表、联合国环境规划署(UNEP)-国际环境毒理与化学学会(SETAC)-生命周期行动的不确定性分析工作组成员、国际清洁生产领域权威期刊“J Clean Prod”的(Vol.61(15) 2013)的客座编委、瑞士国家科学基金评审专家等职位。累计发表SCI/SSCI/EI收录论文120余篇,近五年,以第一/通讯作者身份发表“三高”论文50余篇(其中JCR SCI一区,37篇),平均影响因子(IF=2021)为10.4。先后主持了国家重点研发计划课题、国家863子课题、国家自然科学基金、山东省自然科学基金重大基础研究等项目;获得国家软件著作权2项,主持发布国家标准1项,并荣获山东省人大常委会重点督办建议和优秀建议奖。
2021.1–至今 bat365中文官方网站特聘教授
2009.7 –至今 教授,bat365中文官方网站
2007.3 -2009.5 Postdoc, University of Michigan, U.S.A. (美国密歇根大学)
2006.4 - 2007.3 Visiting scholar, Georgia Institute of Technology. U.S.A.(美国佐治亚理工大学)
2004.4 -2007.4 Research fellow, Ochanomizu University, Japan.(日本御茶水大学)
2001.4 -2004.3 Ph.D: Ochanomizu University, Japan(日本御茶水大学)
1999.4 - 2001.3 M.S., Kumamoto University, Japan. (日本熊本大学)
1998.10 -1999.3 Research Student, Kumamoto University, Japan.(日本熊本大学)
1997.10 -1998.9 Research Student, Touwa international education college, Fukuoka, Japan.(日本东和国际教育学院)

1)开发了基于企业生产过程的原始数据集合基础上的中国生命周期清单基础数据库(Chinese Process-based Life Cycle Inventory Database,CPLCID)
提出了生命周期基本函数演变法,构建了以泰勒系列展开模型为基础的生命周期评价用不确定解析模型,可快速且精确的识别各流程、物质对整体环境负荷的不确定性贡献值,可迅速且精确地对多个流程间的环境负荷大小进行对比,解决了经典的蒙特卡罗不确定分析模型在生命周期评价领域的局限性,进而可客观、科学地做出正确的节能减排评估、建议及指南。在此基础上依据ISO14040系列标准,开发了基于企业生产过程原始数据集合基础上的中国生命周期清单基础数据库(Chinese Process-based Life Cycle Inventory Database,CPLCID)。数据库中涵盖了我国重点工业行业的典型产品(电力、有色金属、玻璃、陶瓷、化石燃料、水泥、造纸、化肥、太阳能、地热、炼焦、钢铁、化纤、蒸汽、化学制品、卤水开采等)、污水处置(大、中、小型)、垃圾处置(下水污泥、城市生活垃圾、电子垃圾、钻井固废、危废处置、餐厨垃圾等)、道路运输、建筑、农业种植(玉米、小麦、稻谷、大豆、棉花、油菜籽、花生等)、秸秆资源化利用、土壤生物修复等基础生命周期数据,其中大部分清单都已通过向国际生命周期评价(LCA)领域权威期刊投稿的形式,获得高水平&高质量数据审查、批判性审查报告及审查意见回复与修正报告,用以确保数据集质量,并且已得到国内外的广泛引用。
针对我国产业活动—环境释放—环境效应—经济影响量化方法匮乏困境, 依据ISO14040系列标准,基于我国地理、环境、气象、人口、饮食、水消耗、卫生、人类发展指数、土壤修复等数据,采用多介质逸度模型、多路径摄入模型、剂量-反应模型疾病成本法和修正的人力资本法,创建了可呈现我国区域差异的、包含3万个左右的特征化因子当量系数的本土化全过程生态与健康足迹量化模型,并进一步构建了集400余万条基础环境与指标数据于一体的、基于“环境风险控制”的绿色产品环境与经济量化管理技术体系。该管理体系可科学、迅速地针对3千余种化合物同时展开全国与省级尺度本土化、全过程环境效应、环境与经济集成效应量化评估、对比、优选、模拟试验,为从环境与经济双赢的角度出发,提出各项经济可行的绿色节能减排技术指南,提供理论、数据与决策支持。
为应对我国水资源短缺、水环境污染严重的现状以及黄河流域高质量发展和生态保护的重大需求,首创了集水稀缺影响、水污染生态与健康风险量化为一体的且适用于我国国情的全过程水足迹量化模型。该模型依据ISO 14046国际标准建立分析边界,综合考虑了三千余种能够对水环境产生影响物质经由多介质对水环境的影响,同时剔除了与水环境无关的摄入途径;基于我国国情建立了包含清单构建方法、中间点影响类型选择与特征化参数计算以及人体健康与生态系统质量损伤评估的通用型生命周期水足迹影响评价模型,实现了35374个中间点特征化当量因子的计算;进而创建了集“全过程误差防控—动态水足迹清单构建—全过程水消耗与水污染引发环境与经济影响集成量化—风险预警—红线划定”等技术为一体的绿色产业水系统集成量化管理关键技术体系与支持平台,突破了我国产业活动全过程水消耗与水污染难溯源与源头难管控等技术瓶颈。运用该平台为山东省提出的《建立我省水资源全过程量化管控》建议,被山东省人大常委会评为2019年度重点督办建议并荣获优秀建议奖,为解决国家水资源短缺的管理问题制定的国家标准《工业企业水系统集成优化技术指南》已发布。
2008:联合国环境署(UNEP)和国际环境毒理与化学学会(SETAC)-Life Cycle Initiative的不确定性分析工作组成员;
2012:国际水协会(The International Water Association: IWA)生命周期评价工作组顾问;
2012:国际清洁生产领域权威期刊“Journal of Cleaner Production”的专刊(Vol.61(15) 2013)的客座编委;
2013:国际水协会(The International Water Association: IWA)生命周期评价工作组的亚洲代表。
2020:Swiss National Science Foundation(瑞士国家科学基金会)评审专家。
此外,还担任“Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews”,“Water research”,“International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment”,“Environmental Science and Technology”,“ Journal of Environmental Management”,“Science of the Total Environment”,“Applied Energy”,“ Resources, Conservation & Recycling”,“ Environmental Science and Pollution Research”,“Waste Management”,“Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Management”和“Journal of Cleaner Production”等国际著名学术杂志的审稿人。
近期发表的主要科研论文(* Corresponding author)
1. Li Z., Zhai Y., Hong J*., 2023. How can ecosystem status be more comprehensively reflected? A case study of Jinan City, China. Science of total environment 863, 160970.
2. Zhai Y., Bai Y., Shen X., Zhang T., jia Y., Ren K., Zhou X., Cheng Z., Hong J*., 2023. Provincial water availability footprint evaluation and transfer analysis of China's grain products: A life cycle perspective. Agricultural water management 276,108050.
3. Zhou X., Zhai Y., Cheng Z., Shen X., Zhang T., Bai Y., Jia Y., Hong J*., 2023. Life cycle assessment of polycarbonate production: Proposed optimization toward sustainability.Resources, Conservation and Recycling 189, 106765.
4. Chen Z., Jia Y., Hong J*., 2023. Intensifying the environmental performance of chicken meat production in China: From perspective of life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 384, 135603.
5. Zhai Y., Bai Y., Wu Zhen., Hong J*., Shen X., Xie F., Xie F., Li X*., 2022. Grain self-sufficiency versus environmental stress: An integration of system dynamics and life cycle assessment. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Vol,159, 112153.
6. Jia Y., Zhang T., Zhai Y., Ren K., Shen X., Cheng Z, Zhou X., Hong J*.,2022. Exploring the potential health and ecological damage of lead–zinc production activities in China: a life cycle assessment perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 381(1), 135218.
7. Zhai Y., Zhang T., Tan X., Wang G., Duan L., Shi Q., Ji C., Bai Y., Shen X., Jia M, Hong J*., 2022. Environmental impact assessment of ground source heat pump system for heating and cooling: a case study in China. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11367-022-02034-z
8. Bai Y., Zhang T., Zhai Y., Ren K., Hong J*.,2022. Strategies for improving the environmental performance of nickel production in China: Insight into a life cycle assessment.Journal of Environmental Management. 312(15),114949.
9. Hong J., Zhang T., Shan X., Zhai Y., Bai Y., Hong J*., 2022. Water, energy, and carbon integrated footprint analysis from the environmental-economic perspective for apple production in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 368(25),133184.
10. Zhou X., Cheng Z., Ren K., Zhai Y., Zhang T., Shen X., Bai Y., Jia Y., Hong J*., 2022. Environmental sustainability improvement in chloromethanes production based on life cycle assessment.Sustainable Production and Consumption. 34, 105-113.
11. Jia Y., Bai Y., Chang J., Zhai y., Zhang T., Ren K., Hong J*.,2022. Life cycle assessment of hydrogen peroxide produced from mainstream hydrogen sources in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 352(10),131655.
12.马逍天,洪静兰*,翟一杰,申晓旭,2022.基于生命周期评价的本土化水足迹影响评价模型构建。生态学报In Press.
13. Ren K., Zhang T., Bai Y., Jia Y., Zhou X., Cheng Z., Hong J*.,2022. Environmental and economical assessment of high-value utilization routes for coke oven gas in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 353(15) 131668.
14. Ma X., Zhang T., Shen X., Zhai Y., Hong J*., 2022. Environmental footprint assessment of China’s ceramic tile production from energy-carbon-water nexus insight. Journal of Cleaner Production. 337, 130606.
15. Zhang T., Zhai Y., Feng S., Tan X*., Zhang M., Duan L., Shi Q., Meng J., Hong J*., 2022. Does it pay to develop a ground source heat pump system? Evidence
from China. Journal of Environmental Management. 305, 114378.
16. Chen W., Zhang Q., Wang C., Li Z., Geng Y., Hong J*., Cheng Y*., 2022. Environmental sustainability challenges of China’s steel production: Impact-oriented water, carbon and fossil energy footprints assessment. Ecological Indicators 136, 108660.
17. Dong Z., Wang Y., Wu H., Zhang X., Sun Y., li Y., Chang J., He Z., Hong J., 2022. A design methodology of large-scale metal hydride reactor based on schematization for hydrogen storage. Journal of Energy Storage 49, 104047.
18. Li Y., Liu M., Tang Y., Jia Y., Wang Q., Ma Q., Hong J., Zuo J., Yuan X*., 2022. Life cycle impact of winter heating in rural China from the perspective of environment, economy, and user experience. Energy Conversion and Management 269, 116156.
19. Ma X., Zhang T., Ji C., Zhai Y., Shen X., Hong J*., 2021. Threats to Human Health and Ecosystem: Looking for Air-pollution Related Damage since 1990. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews.145, 111146.
20. Zhang T., Bai Y., Shen X., Zhai Y., Ji C., Ma X., Hong J*., 2021. Cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment of cobalt sulfate production derived from a nickel-copper-cobalt mine in China. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 26, 1198-1210.
21. Bai Y., Zhai Y. Ji C., Zhang T., Chen W., Shen X., Hong J*., 2021. Environmental sustainability challenges of China's edible vegetable oil industry: from farm to factory. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. 170, 105606.
22. Zhai Y., Zhang T., Bai Y., Ji C., Ma X., Shen X., Hong J*., 2021. Energy and water footprints of cereal production in China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. 164,105150.
23. Zhang T., Zhai Y., Ma X., Shen X., Bai Y., Zhang R., Ji C., Hong J*., 2021. Towards environmental sustainability: Life cycle assessment-based water footprint analysis on China’s cotton production. Journal of Cleaner Production. 323,127925.
24. Zhai Y., Bai Y., Shen X., Ji C., Zhang T., Hong J*., 2021. Can grain virtual water flow reduce environmental impacts? Evidence from China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 314, 127970.
25. Bai Y., Zhang T., Zhai Y., Shen X., Ma X., Zhang R., Ji C., Hong J*.,2021. Water footprint coupled economic impact assessment for maize production in China. Science of the Total Environment. 752, 141963.
26. Ji C., Zhai Y., Zhang T., Shen X., Bai Y., Hong J*., 2021. Carbon, energy and water footprints analysis of rapeseed oil production:a case study in China. Journal of Environmental Management. 287, 112359.
27. Zhai Y., Zhang T., Ma X., Shen X., Ji C., Bai Y., Hong J*., 2021. Life cycle water footprint analysis of crop production in China. Agricultural Water Management 256,107079.
28. Chen W*., Hong J*., Wang C., Sun L., Zhang T., Zhai Y., Zhang Q., 2021. Water footprint assessment of gold refining: Case study based on life cycle assessment, Ecological Indicators 122, 107319
29.翟一杰,张天祚,申晓旭,马逍天,洪静兰,2021.生命周期评价方法研究进展(特邀综述)。Vol.43(3) 446-455资源科学
30. Ren K., Zhang T., Tan X.,* Zhai Y., Bai Y., Shen X., Jia Y., Hong J*., 2021. Life cycle assessment of ammonia synthesis based on pulverized coal entrained flow gasification technology in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 328, 129658.
31. Cui L., Liu M., Yuan X., Wang Q., Ma Q., Wang P., Hong J., Liu H., 2021. Environmental and economic impact assessment of three sintering flue gas treatment technologies in the iron and steel industry. Journal of Cleaner Production 311, 127703.
32. Zhai Y., Ma X., Gao F., Zhang T., Hong J*., Zhang X., Yuan X., Li X*., 2020. Is energy the key to pursuing clean air and water at the city level? A case study of Jinan City, China. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 134, 110353.
33. Zhang R.,Wang G*., Shen X., Wang J., Tan X., Feng S., Hong J*., 2020. Is geothermal heating environmentally superior than coal fired heating in China? Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 131,110014.
34. Zhang R., Ma X., Shen X., Zhai Y., Zhang T., Ji C., Hong J*.,2020. PET bottles recycling in China: An LCA coupled with LCC case study of blanket production made of waste PET bottles. Journal of Environmental Management 260 (15) 110062.
35. Zhang R., Ma X., Shen X., Zhai Y., Zhang T., Ji C., Hong J*.,2020. Life cycle assessment of electrolytic manganese metal production. Journal of Cleaner Production. 253 (20), 119951.
36. Ji C., Ma X., Zhai Y., Zhang R., Shen X., Zhang T., Hong J*.,2020. Environmental impact assessment of galvanized sheet production: a case study in Shandong Province, China. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25, 760-770.
37. Cui J., Ba K., Li F, Wang Q., Ma Q., Yuan X*., Mu R., Hong J., Zuo J., 2020. Life cycle assessment of ultra-low treatment for steel industry sintering flue gas emissions. Science of the Total Environment 725, 138292
38. Li Y., Yuan X*., Tang Y, Wang Q.,, Ma Q., Mu R., Fu J., Hong J., Kellett J., Zuo J., 2020. Integrated assessment of the environmental and economic effects of “coal-to-gas conversion” project in rural areas of northern China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 27, 14503-14514.
39. Yuan X., Teng Y., Yuan Q., Liu M., Fan X., Wng Q., Hong J., Zuo J., 2020. Economic transition and industrial sulfur dioxide emissions in the Chinese economy. Science of the Total Environment. 744, 140826
40. Yang D., Gao S., Hong J*., Ye L., Ma X., Qi C., Li X*., 2019. Life Cycle Assessment of Rare Earths Recovery from Waste Fluorescent Powders-A case study in China. Waste Management 99, 60-70.
41. Ma X.,Zhai Y., Zhang R., Shen X., Zhang T., Ji C., Yuan X., Hong J*., 2019. Energy and carbon coupled water footprint analysis for straw pulp paper production. Journal of Cleaner Production. 233, 23-32.
42. Zhai Y., Shen X., Quan T., Ma X., Zhang R., Ji C., Zhang T., Hong J*., 2019. Impact-oriented water footprint assessment of wheat production in China. Science of the Total Environment 689, 90-98.
43. Ma X., Yang D., Zhai Y., Shen X., Zhang R., Hong J*., 2019. Cost-combined life cycle assessment of ferronickel production. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 24, 1840-1850.
44. Yang D., Yin Y., Ma X., Zhang R., Zhai Y., Shen X., Hong J*., 2019. Environmental improvement of lead refining: a case study of water footprint assessment in Jiangxi Province, China. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 24, 1533-1542
45. Hong J., Yu Z., Fu X., Hong J.*, 2019. Life cycle environmental and economic assessment of coal seam gas-based electricity generation. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 24, 1828-1839.
46. Chen B., Wang M., Duan M., Ma X., Hong J.*, Xie F., Zhang R., Li X.*, 2019. In Search of Key: Protecting human health and the ecosystem from water pollution in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.228 (10), 101-111
47. Zhai Y., Tan X., Ma X., An M., Zhao Q., Shen X., Hong J.*, 2019. Water footprint analysis of wheat production. Ecological Indicators 102, 95-102.
48. Wang Q., Tang H., Ma Q., Mu R*., Yuan X*., Hong J., Zhang J., Zuo J., Mu Z., Cao S., Liu F., 2019. Life Cycle Assessment and the Willingness to Pay of Waste Polyester Recycling. Journal of Cleaner Production. 234, 275-284.
49. Wang Q., Ma Z., Yuan X*., Wang J., Mu Z., Zuo J., Zhang J., Hong J., Wang S., 2019. Is cement pavement more sustainable than permeable brick pavement? A case study for Jinan, China. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.226 (20), 306-315
50. Tang Y., Shi Y., Li Y., Yuan X*., Mu R*., Wang Q., Ma Q., Hong J., Cao S., Zuo J., Kellett, J.,2019. Environmental and economic impact assessment of the alumina-carbon refractory production in China. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. 21, 1723-1737.
51. Ma X., Shen X., Qi C., Ye L., Yang D., Hong J.*, 2018. Energy and carbon coupled water footprint analysis for Kraft wood pulp paper production. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 96, 253-261
52. Ma X., Ye L., Qi C., Yang D., Shen X., Hong J.*, 2018. Life cycle assessment and water footprint evaluation of crude steel production: a case study in China. Journal of Environmental Management 224,10-18
53. Ye L., Xie F., Hong J.*,Yang D., Ma X., Li X*., 2018. Environmental burden mitigation potential of oil field gas-assisted coal-to-olefin production. Energy 157, 1015-1024.
54. Ma X., Yang D., Shen X., Zhai Y., Zhang R., Hong J.*, 2018. How much water is required for coal power generation: an analysis of gray and blue water footprints. Science of the Total Environment 636, 547-557
55. Qi C., Wang Q., Ma X., Ye L., Yang D., Hong J.*, 2018. Inventory, environmental impact, and economic burden of GHG emission at the city level: Case study of Jinan, China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 192,236-243
56. Chen W., Geng Y*., Hong J.*, Yang D., Ma X., 2018. Life cycle assessment of potash fertilizer production in China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 138, 238-245.
57. Ye L., Hong J.*, Ma X., Qi C., Yang D., 2018. Life cycle environmental and economic assessment of ceramic tile production: A case study in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 189,432-441
58. Hong J.*, Chen Y., Liu J., Ma X., Qi C., Ye L., 2018. Life cycle assessment of copper production:A case study in China. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 23 (9), 1814-1824.
59. Hong J., Zhan S., Yu Z., Hong J.*, Qi C., 2018. Life-cycle environmental and economic assessment of medical waste treatment. Journal of Cleaner Production. 174 (10), 65-73
60. Chen W, Geng Y.*, Hong J.*, Dong H., Cui X., Sun M., Zhang Q., 2018. Life cycle assessment of gold production in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 179 (1), 143-150
61. Wang Q., Tang H., Yuan X., Zou J., Zhang J., Gao Z., Hong J., 2018. Investigating vulnerability of ecological industrial symbiosis network based on automatic control theory. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(27), 27321–27333.
62. Shi W., Lin C., Chen W., Hong J.*, Chang J., Dong Y., Zhang Y., 2017. Environmental effect of current desulfurization technology on fly dust emission in China, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 72, 1-9
63. Hong J.*, Chen Y., Wang M., Ye L., Qi C., Yuan H., Zheng T., Li X*., 2017. Intensification of Municipal Solid Waste Disposal in China. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 69, 168-76.
64. Chen W., Geng Y*., Hong J.*, Kua H, Yu N., 2017. Life cycle assessment of antibiotic mycelial residues management in China. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 79, 830-838.
65. Hong J.*, Han X., Chen Y., Ye L., Qi C., Li X*., 2017. Life cycle environmental assessment of industrial hazardous waste incineration and landfilling in China. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 22 (7) 1054-1064.
66. Qi C., Ma X., Wang M., Ye L., Hong J.*, 2017. A case study on the life cycle assessment of recycling industrial mercury-containing waste. Journal of Cleaner Production. 161 (10), 382-389
67. Qi C., Ye L., Ma X., Yang D., Hong J.*, 2017. Life cycle assessment of the hydrometallurgical zinc production chain in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 156 (10), 451-458
68. Ma X., Qi C., Ye L., Yang D., Hong J.*, 2017. Life cycle assessment of tungsten carbide powder production: A case study in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 149, 936-944
69. Hong J., Yu Z., Shi W., Hong J.*, Qi C., Ye L.,2017. Life cycle environmental and economic assessment of lead refining in China. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 22 (6) 909-918
70. Ye L., Qi C., Hong J.*, Ma X., 2017. Life cycle assessment of polyvinyl chloride production and its recyclability in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 142 (4), 2965-2972
71. Zhang F., Wang Q., Hong J.*, Chen W., Qi C., Ye L., 2017. Life cycle assessment of diammonium- and monoammonium-phosphate fertilizer production in China. Journal of Cleaner Production Vol.141(10), 1087-1094.
72. Xu C., Hong J., Jia H., Liang S., Xu T., 2017. Life cycle environmental and economic assessment of a LID-BMP treatment train system: A case study in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 149 (15), 227-237
73. Wang Q., Lu S., Yuan X., Zuo J., Hong J., 2017. The index system for project selection in ecological industrial park: A China study. Ecological Indicators 77, 267-275.
74. Hong J.*, Ren L., Hong J., Xu C., 2016. Environmental impact assessment of corn straw utilization in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 112, 1700-1708.
75. Hong J.*, Chen W., Qi C., Yei L., Xu C., 2016. Life cycle assessment of multi-crystalline silicon photovoltaic cell production in China. Solar Energy. 133, 283-293.
76. Zhang Y., Sun M., Hong J.*, Han X., He J., Shi W., Li X*., 2016. Environmental footprint of aluminum production in China. Journal of Cleaner Production Vol.133(1), 1242-1251.
78. Chen W., Hong J.*, Yuan X., Liu J., 2016. Environmental impact assessment of monocrystalline silicon solar photovoltaic cell production: a case study in China. Journal of Cleaner Production Vol. 112, 1025-1032.
79. Li X., Yang Y., Xu X., Xu C., Hong J.*, 2016. Air pollution from Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons generated by human activities and their health effects in China. Journal of Cleaner Production Vol.112, 1360-1367.
80. Chen W., Zhang F., Hong J.*, Shi W., Feng S., Tan X., Geng Y., 2016. Life cycle toxicity assessment on deep-brine well drilling. Journal of Cleaner Production Vol.112, 326-332.
81. Zhao J., Hong J.*,Song Z., Wang Q., Ma C., 2016. Life cycle assessment of lignite pyrolysis: a case study in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 113, 548-556.
82. Xu C., Hong J.*, Chen J., Han X., Lin C., Li X*., 2016. Is biomass energy really clean? An environmental life-cycle perspective on biomass-based electricity generation in China. Journal of Cleaner Production Vol.133 (1), 767-776.
83. Sun X., Lu J*., Hong J., Lu B., 2016. Life cycle assessment of Chinese radial passenger vehicle tire. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 21(12) 1749-1758
84. Wang Q., Qiu S., Yuan X., Zuo J., Cao D., Hong J., Zhang J., Dong Y., Zheng Y., 2016. Stability of ecological industry chain: an entropy model approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 23 (14) 14316-14326.
85. Sun M., Wang Y., Hong J., Wang R., 2016. Life Cycle Assessment of a bio-hydrometallurgical treatment of spent Zn-Mn batteries. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.129 (15), 350-358.
86. Wang Q., Yuan X., Zuo J, Zhang J., Hong J., Lin C., 2016. Optimization of Ecological Industrial Chain design based on reliability theory – a case study. Journal of Cleaner Production 124, 175-182.
87. Xu C., Shi W., Hong J.*, Zhang F., Chen W., 2015. Life cycle assessment of food waste-based biogas generation. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol.49, 169-177.
88. Zhao J., Hong J.*, Song Z., Wang Q., Zhao X., Ma C.*, 2015. Cost combined life cycle assessment of lignite-based electricity generation. Fuel Vol.159, 666-674.
89. Xu C., Hong J.*, Ren Y*., Wang Q., Yuan X., 2015. Approaches for controlling air pollutants and their environmental impacts generated from coal-based electricity generation in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research Vol.22 (16), 12384-12395
90. Hong J.*, Zhang F., Xu C., Xu X., Li, X.*, 2015. Evaluation of life cycle inventory at macro level : a case study of mechanical coke production in China. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol.20(6),751-764.
91. Hong J.*,Shi W., Wang Y, Chen W, Li X*., 2015. Life cycle assessment of electronic waste treatment. Waste Management Vol.38,357-365.
92. Hong J., Zhou J., Hong J.*, 2015. Environmental and economic impact of corncob as a raw material for furfuralcohol production. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol.20 (5), 623-631.
93. Chen W., Hong J.*, Xu, C., 2015: Pollutants generated by cement production in China, their impacts, and the potential for environmental improvement. Journal of Cleaner Production Vol.103, 61-69.
94. Hong J., Zhou J., Hong J.*, 2015. Comparative study of life cycle environmental and economic impact of corn- and corn stalk-based-ethanol production. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 7, 023106
95. Wang Q., Yuan X., Zhang J., Hong J., Zuo J., 2015. Assessment of the Sustainable Development Capacity with Entropy Weight Coefficient Method. Sustainability Vol.7, 13542-13563; doi:10.3390/su71013542
96. Hong J.*, Zhang Y., Xu X., Li X*., 2014. Life-cycle assessment of corn-based and cassava-based ethylene production. Biomass and Bioenergy. Vol.67, 304-311.
97. Xu, C., Chen, W., Hong J.*, 2014: Life-cycle environmental and economic assessment of sewage sludge treatment in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol.67, 79-87.
98. Hong J.*, Chen W., Wang Y., Xu C., Xu X., 2014. Life cycle assessment of caustic soda production-A case study in China. Journal of Cleaner production. Vol. 66, 113-120.
99. Hong J., Tezel U., Okutman D., Pavlostathis S., 2013: Influence of quaternary ammonium compounds on the microbial reductive dechlorination of pentachloroaniline. Water Research Vol.47 (17), 6780-6789.
100. Hong J.*, Li X., 2013: Speeding up cleaner production in China through the improvement of cleaner production audit. Journal of Cleaner production. Vol.40, 129-135.
101. Hong J, Xu C, Hong J.*, Tan X, Chen W., 2013. Life cycle assessment of sewage sludge co-incineration in a coal-based power station. Waste Management.Vol.33, 1843-1852.
102. Hong J., Zhou J., Hong J.*, Xu X.: Environmental and economic assessment of life cycle assessment of aluminum-silicon alloys production –A case study in China. Journal of Cleaner Production Vol. 24, 11-19, 2012.
103. Hong J.*, Xu X..: Environmental impact assessment of caprolactam production in China-A case study in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 27, 103-108, 2012.
104. Hong J.*, Li X.: Life Cycle Assessment Comparison of Substrates for Bioremediation of Pentachloroaniline under Acidogenic/Methanogenic Conditions. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol.17 (1), 79-88, 2012.
105. Cui X., Hong J.*, Gao M.: Environmental impact assessment of three coal-based electricity generation scenarios in China. Energy. Vol. 45(1), 952-959, 2012
106. Hong J.*: Uncertainty propagation in life cycle assessment of biodiesel versus diesel-global warming and non-renewable energy. Bioresource Technology. Vol.113, 3-7, 2012.
107. Hong J.*, Li X.: Environmental assessment of recycled printing and writing paper: A case study in China. Waste Management. Vol.32 (2), 264-270, 2012.
108. Cui Z., Meng F., Hong J.*, Li X., Ren X.: Effects of Electron Donors on the Microbial Reductive Dechlorination of Hexachlorocyclohexane and on the Environment. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. Vol.113 (6), 765-770, 2012.
109. Hong J.*, Li X.: Environment assessment of the sewage sludge as secondary raw material in cement production- A case study in China. Waste Management 2011, Vol.31(6), pp.1364-1371.
110. Cui Z., Hou Y., Hong J.*, Ismail Z.: Life cycle assessment of coated white board – A case study in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2011, Vol.19 (13), pp.1506-1512.
111. Hong J.*, Li X., Cui Z.: Life cycle assessment of four municipal solid waste management scenarios in China. Waste Management. Vol.30 (11), pp. 2362-2369, 2010.
112. Hong J.*, Shaked S., Rosenbaum R., and Jolliet O.*: Analytical Uncertainty Propagation in Life Cycle Inventory and Impact Assessment: Application to an Automobile Front Panel. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol.15, No. 5, pp. 499-510, 2010.
113. Castella P.S., Blanc I., Gomez M., Ecabert B., Wakeman M., Manson J., Emery D., Hong J., Jolliet O.*: Integrating life cycle costs and environmental impacts of composite car-bodies for a Korean train. International journal of life cycle assessment. Vol.14, No.5, pp.429-442, 2009.
114. Hong J.*, Hong J., Otaki M. and Olivier J.: Environmental and economic life cycle assessment for sewage sludge treatment processes in Japan. Waste Management. Vol.29, No.2, pp. 696-703, 2009.
1. Houillon G.,Kaenzig J., Hong J., Henderson A., Jolliet O., 2015. Book:Chapter 9: META-COMPARISONOF THE LIFE CYCLE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF BIO-BASED PRODUCTS, Environmental Life Cycle Assessment. ISBN:9781439887660 CRC Press
2.洪静兰,2015.第5章深层卤水资源开采过程中的生态环境风险预防及控制技术,黄河三角洲深层卤水高效开采关键技术。ISBN 9787030460400 科学出版社
GB/T 30887-2021工业企业水系统集成优化技术指南(主持)
洪静兰:入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier)发布2019年中国高被引学者(Chinese Most Cited Researchers)榜单。https://www.elsevier.com/zh-cn/solutions/scopus/most-cited/2019
洪静兰(2/12);黄河三角洲深层卤水高效开采关键技术与产业化应用,山东省人民政府,山东省科技进步奖,二等奖, 2018.