
王睿,博士(1996-)、教授(2002-)、博士生导师(2005-),第二批教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者(2005),首批教育部“高等学校优秀骨干教师”资助计划入选者(2000)。英国利物浦大学高级研究学者暨客座教授(2002; 2012),在国际著名催化专家Kozhevnikov教授课题组开展多酸催化研究;英国贝尔法斯特女王大学访问教授(2009),在国际著名催化专家Robbie Burch院士课题组开展催化脱硝研究;俄罗斯科学院西蒙诺夫化学物理研究所合作教授(2009-2010; 2012-2013;2015-2018)及巴西里约联邦大学金砖合作伙伴。美国化学会会员/中国环境科学学会高级会员/中国化工学会专业会员。科技部/基金委/教育部/奖励办及多省科技奖励与人才计划评审专家。Advanced Materials Letters(Official journal of the International Association of Advanced Materials)副主编、International Journal of Energy and Environmental Science编委、Advances in Recycling & Waste Management编委、Water Pollution Treatment编委、“化工环保”期刊编委。42种国际SCI学术期刊审稿人。连续担任bat365中文官方网站环境学院学术委员会委员、教学指导委员会委员、大气污染控制研究所所长。主要从事环境工程领域三废治理、环境化学工程与新能源等领域的研究。
联系方式: Email: wangrui@sdu.edu.cn
主持或主持完成国家自然科学基金、新世纪优秀人才支持计划及教育部博士点基金优先发展领域课题、教育部科技重点项目、省自然基金/重点研发计划/重大专项等42项。以第一或通讯作者在Small,JMat Chem A,ApplCatal B, Chem Eng J, J Haz Mat, I&EC Res等期刊发表学术论文200多篇,SCI/EI收录130多篇(其中SCI 收录90多篇);申请专利51项(发明专利38项,实用新型12项,国际PCT 1项),获授权专利33项(发明专利22项、实用新型12项);著作5部(主编1部John Wiley & Sons著作,撰写3部英文著作的多个章节,中文编著1部)。以第一位次荣获省部级科技进步二等奖2项、三等奖1项,以及省青年科技奖、省优秀自然科学论文一等奖、省高等学校科技进步奖等奖励30余项。
Journal papers(within 30 )
1.Junpeng Li,Rui Wang*, Shuaiyong Dou. Electrolytic cell-assisted polyoxometalate based redox mediator for H2S conversion to elemental sulphur and hydrogen,Chemical Engineering Journal, 404: 127090, 2021(SCI, IF=10.652)
2.Rui Wang*, Xveyang Zhang, Zhaoyong Ren. Germanium-based polyoxometalates for the adsorption-decomposition of NOx,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 402: 123494, 2021(SCI, IF=9.038)
3.Rui Wang*, Yan Zhao,Ivan V. Kozhevnikov, Jie Zhao. Ultrasound enhanced catalytic ozonation process for ultra-deep desulfurization of diesel oil,NewJournal of Chemistry,44: 15467-15474, 2020(SCI, IF=3.069)
4.MDai,Rui Wang*. Synthesis and applications of nanostructured hollow transition metal chalcogenides,Small, 2021, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202006813(SCI, IF=11.459)
5.Xveyoung Zhang,Rui Wang*, Hongjian Zhu, Yongliang Chen. Performance of NOxcapture with Dawson polyoxometalate H6P2W18O62∙28H2O,Chemical Engineering Journal, 400: 125880, 2020(SCI, IF=10.652)
6.Chenjing Sun,Rui Wang*.Enhanced photocatalytic activity of Bi2WO6photocatalyst for the degradation of tetracycline by synergistic effect between amorphous Ti-Ni as hole-electron cocatalysts,NewJournal of Chemistry, 44: 10833-10839, 2020(SCI, IF=3.069)
7.Yan Huang,Rui Wang*. Green recovery of lithium from water by a smart imprinted adsorbent with photo-controlled and selective properties,Chemical Engineering Journal, 378: Article 122084, 2019(SCI, IF=8.355)
8.Yan Huang,Rui Wang*. Highly effective and low-cost ion imprinted polymers loaded on the preated vermiculite for lithium recovery,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58 (27): 12216-12225, 2019(SCI, IF=3.375)
9.Yan Huang,Rui Wang*. Highly selective separation of H2S and CO2by core-shell structure H2S imprinted polymers loaded on polyoxometalate@Zr-based metal-organic framework at ambient temperature,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7(19): 12105 - 12114(SCI, IF=10.733)
10.Jianwei Ding,Yongqiang Zhang,Rui Wang*. Homogeneous oxidative desulfurization catalyzed by the recoverable Reaction-controlled phase transfer catalyst based on trilacunary Keggin polyoxometallate,NewJournal of Chemistry, 43: 7363-7370, 2019(SCI, IF=3.069)
11.Shuaiyong Dou,Rui Wang*. Ultradeep desulfurization of model oil through the oxidative-adsorption process using Dawson-type polyoxometalates and graphene oxide multifunctional composites,Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2019, e4924(SCI, IF=3.259)
12.Shuaiyong Dou,Rui Wang*. The C-Si Janus nanoparticles with supported phosphotungstic active component for Pickering emulsion desulfurization of fuel oil without stirring,Chemical Engineering Journal, 369: 64-76, 2019(SCI, IF=8.355)
13.Shuaiyong Dou,Rui Wang*.Study on the performance and mechanism for aerobic oxidative desulfurization based on the dual-functional material possessing catalytic and adsorptive properties,NewJournal of Chemistry, 43: 3226-3235, 2019(SCI, IF=3.069)
14.Yan Huang,Rui Wang*. An efficient lithium ion imprinted adsorbent using multi-wall carbon nanotubes as support to recover lithium from water,Journal of Cleaner Production, 205: 201-209, 2018(SCI, IF=6.395)
15.Ying Wei, Hao Fan,Rui Wang*. Transitionmetals (Co, Zr, Ti)modifiediron-samariumoxide asefficientcatalysts forselectivecatalyticreduction of NOxat low-temperature,Applied Surface Science,459: 63-73, 2018(SCI, IF=5.155)
16.Han Wang,Rui Wang*, Yongqiang Zhang, Shuaiyong Dou, Silchenkova Olga, Korchak Vladimir. Oxidative removal of organo-sulfur species via H2O2oxidation catalyzed by lacunary Keggin 11-tungstophosphates,Catalysis Letters,148(8), 2501-2509,2018(SCI, IF=2.372)
17.Ying Wei, Yongliang Chen,Rui Wang*. Rare earth salt of 12-tungstophosphoric acid supported on iron oxide as a catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NOx,Fuel Processing Technology, 178: 262–270, 2018(SCI,IF=4.507)
18.Kang Liu,Rui Wang*, Meiqing Yu.An efficient, recoverablesolid base catalyst of magnetic bamboo charcoal:preparation,characterization, andperformance in biodiesel production,Renewable Energy,127: 531-538, 2018(SCI, IF=5.439)
19.Yongqiang Zhang,Rui Wang*.Synthesis of silica@C-dots/phosphotungstates core-shell microsphere for effective oxidative-adsorptive desulfurization of dibenzothiophene with less oxidant,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,234:247-259, 2018(SCI, IF=14.229)
20.Zhidong Wei, Ruishuo Li,Rui Wang*. Enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity of BiOBr byin situreactable ionic liquids modification for pollutant degradation,RSC Advances,8:7956-7962, 2018(SCI, IF=3.049)
21.Kang Liu,Rui Wang*, Meiqing Yu. Biodiesel production from soybean oils by a novel nano-magnetic solid base catalyst (K/ZrO2/γ-Fe2O3),RSC Advances,7:51814-51821, 2017(SCI, IF=3.049)
22.Rijia Liu,Shuaiyong Dou, Meiqing Yu,Rui Wang*. Oxidative desulfurization of fuel oil catalyzed by magnetically recoverable nano-Fe3O4/SiO2supported heteropoly compounds,Journal of Cleaner Production,168: 1048-1058, 2017(SCI,IF=6.395)
23.Xinpeng Liu, Junpeng Li,Rui Wang*.Study on the desulfurization performance of hydramine/ionic liquid solutions at room temperature and atmospheric pressure,Fuel Processing Technology, 167: 382-387, 2017(SCI,IF=4.507)
24.Zhaoyong Ren,Hao Fan,Rui Wang*. A novel ring-like Fe2O3-based catalyst: tungstophosphoric acid modification, NH3-SCR activity and tolerance to H2O and SO2,Catalysis Communications,100: 71-75,2017(SCI, IF=3.674)
25.Zhaoyong Ren, Yunfei Teng, Leyu Zhao,Rui Wang*.Keggin-tungstophosphoric acid decorated Fe2O3nanoring as a new catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NOxwith ammonia,Catalysis Today,297: 36-45,2017(SCI, IF=4.888)
26.Xinpeng Liu,Rui Wang*.H2S removal by peroxo heteropoly compound/ionic liquid solution,Fuel Processing Technology, 160: 78-85, 2017(SCI,IF=4.507)
27.Xinpeng Liu, Junpeng Li,Rui Wang*.Desulfurization and regeneration performance of heteropoly compound/Ionic liquid solutions at high temperature,Chemical Engineering Journal, 316: 171-178, 2017(SCI, IF=8.355)
28.Yunqian Ma, Xinpeng Liu,Rui Wang*. Efficient removal of H2S at high temperature using the ionic liquid solutions of [C4mim]3PMo12O40-an organic polyoxometalate,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 331: 109-116, 2017(SCI, IF=7.650)
29.Xinpeng Liu,Rui Wang*. Effective removal of hydrogen sulfide using 4A molecular sieve zeolite synthesized from attapulgite,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 326: 157-164, 2017(SCI, IF=7.650)
30.Rijia Liu,Yongqiang Zhang,Jianwei Ding, Meiqing Yu,Rui Wang*. Ion exchange resin immobilised 12-tungstophosphoric acid as efficient and recoverable catalyst for the oxidative removal of organosulfur targeting at clean fuel,Separation and Purification Technology,174 : 84-88,2017(SCI, IF=5.107)
1.Ashutosh Tiwari ,Rui Wang, Bingqing Wei.Advanced Surface Engineering Materials,John Wiley & Sons,Oxford,UK, 2016.736pages(ISBN:978-1-119-31415-8)
2.Xinpeng Liu, Jianwei Ding,Rui Wang*. Polyoxometalates: Properties, Structure and Synthesis,Edited byAaron P. Roberts, 55-76,Nova Science Publishers,New York, 2016.(ISBN: 978-1-53610-007-5)
3.Zhaoyong Ren, Zhidong Wei, Na Yang,Rui Wang*.Polyoxometalates: Properties, Structure and Synthesis,Edited byAaron P. Roberts, 115-142,Nova Science Publishers,New York,2016.(ISBN: 978-1-53610-007-5)
4.Junpeng Li,Rui Wang*,Branimir Jovančićević.Ionic Liquids: Electrochemistry, Uses and Challenges,Edited byBình Xuân,Nova Science Publishers,New York,2017. (ISBN: 978-1-53612-690-7)
5.Xinpeng Liu,Rui Wang*,Branimir Jovančićević.Ionic Liquids: Electrochemistry, Uses and Challenges,Edited byBình Xuân,Nova Science Publishers, New York,2017. (ISBN: 978-1-53612-690-7)
6.Yan Huang, Xiaoxiao Zhao,Rui Wang*.Ion Exchange: Theory and Applications,Edited byNorman Spencer, Jorge Thornton,Nova Science Publishers,New York,2017. (ISBN: 978-1-53612-352-4)
联系方式: wangrui@sdu.edu.cn


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