Xingchen Zhao, Rutao Liu*, Zhenxing Chi, Yue Teng, Pengfei Qin, “New Insights into the Behavior of Bovine Serum Albumin Adsorbed onto Carbon Nanotubes: Comprehensive Spectroscopic Studies”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B., 2010, 114(16): 5625-5631(SCI)
5. Wansong Zong, Rutao Liu*, Feng Sun, Meijie Wang, Pengjun Zhang, Yihong Liu, Yanmin Tian, “Cyclic voltammetry: a new strategy for the evaluation of oxidative damage to bovine insulin”, Protein Science, 2010, 19: 263-268 (SCI, If=2.741)
6. Zhenxing Chi, Rutao Liu*, Hao Zhang, “Potential enzyme toxicity of oxytetracycline to catalase”, Science of the Total Environment, 2010, 408(22): 5399-5404 (SCI, If=3.19)
7. Pengfei Qin, Rutao Liu*, Xingren Pan, Xiaoyan Fang, Yue Mou, “Impact of carbon chain length on binding of perfluoroalkyl acids to bovine serum albumin determined by spectroscopic methods”, Journal of Agricultral and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58:5561-5567 (SCI, If=2.816)
8. Yue Teng, Rutao Liu*, Shifeng Yan, Xingren Pan, Pengjun Zhang, Meijie Wang, “Spectroscopic Investigation on the Toxicological Interactions of 4-aminoantipyrine with Bovine Hemoglobin”, Journal of Fluorescence, 2010, 20: 381-387(SCI, If=1.966)
9. Xingren Pan, Rutao Liu*, Pengfei Qin, Li Wang, Xingchen Zhao, “Spectroscopic Studies on the Interaction of Acid Yellow With Bovine Serum Albumin”, Journal of Luminescence, 2010, 130: 611-617(SCI, If= 1.797)
10. Yajing Sun, Rutao Liu*, Zhenxing Chi, Pengfei Qin, Xiaoyan Fang, Yue Mou, “Spectroscopic investigation on the toxic interaction of melamine with herring sperm DNA”, Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, 2010, 24(5): 323-9. (SCI)
11. Zhenxing Chi, Rutao Liu*, Yue Teng, Xiaoyan Fang, Canzhu Gao*, “Binding of Oxytetracycline to Bovine Serum Albumin: Spectroscopic and Molecular Modeling Investigations”, Journal of Agricultral and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58 (18): 10262-10269, (SCI, If=2.816)
12. Rutao Liu*, Pengfei Qin, Li Wang, Xingchen Zhao, Yihong Liu, Xiaopeng Hao, “The toxic effects of ethanol to bovine serum albumin”, Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, 2010, 24(1): 66-71(SCI, If=1.438)
13. Feng Sun, Wansong Zong, Rutao Liu*, Jun Chai, Ying Liu, “Micro-environmental influences on the fluorescence of tryptophan”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2010, 76(2): 142-145 (SCI, If=1.77)
14. Li Wang, Rutao Liu*, Zhenxing Chi, Bingjun Yang, Pengjun Zhang, Meijie Wang, “Spectroscopic investigation on the toxic interactions of Ni2+ with bovine hemoglobin”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2010, 76(2): 155-160(SCI, If=1.77)
15. Yanmin Tian, Rutao Liu*, Wansong Zong, Feng Sun, Meijie Wang, Pengjun Zhang, “A new biomarker of protein oxidation degree and site using angiotensin as the target by MS”, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2010, 75: 908-911(SCI, If=1.77)
16. Feng Sun, Wansong Zong, Rutao Liu*, Meijie Wang, Pengjun Zhang, Qifei Xu, “The relative charge ratio between C and N atoms in amide bond acts as a key factor to determine peptide fragment efficiency in different charge states”, Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2010, 21:1857-1862 (SCI, Share the first authorship. If=3.83)
17. 任曼曼,王丽,杨风梅,赵星辰,陈皓,蓝平,刘汝涛*, “农产品中总汞的水浴消解一冷原子荧光测定法”, 环境与健康杂志,2010,27(6):546-547
1. Wansong Zong, Rutao Liu*, Lingzi Zhao, Yanmin Tian, Dong Yuan, Canzhu Gao, “Side-chain Oxidative Damage of Cysteine on Glassy Carbon Electrode”, Amino Acids, 2009, 37: 559-564 (SCI, Ip=4.132)
2. Zhenxing Chi, Rutao Liu*, Lingzi Zhao, Pengfei Qin, Xingren Pan, Feng Sun, Canzhu Gao, Xiaopeng Hao, “A new strategy to probe the genotoxicity of silver nanoparticles combined with cetylpyridine bromide”, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2009, 72:577-581 (SCI)
3. Lingzi Zhao, Rutao Liu*, Xingchen Zhao, Bingjun Yang, Canzhu Gao*, Xiaopeng Hao, Yongzhong Wu, “New Strategy for the Evaluation of CdTe Quantum Dot Toxicity Targeted to Bovine Serum Albumin”, Science of the Total Environment, 2009, 407(18): 5019-5023 (SCI) 他引38次
4. Rutao Liu*, Feng Sun, Lijun Zhang, Wansong Zong, Xingchen Zhao, Li Wang, Ruolin Wu, Xiaopeng Hao, “Evaluation on the toxicity of nanoAg to bovine serum albumin”, Science of the Total Environment, 2009, 407:4184-4188(SCI)
5. Zhenxing Chi, Rutao Liu*, Xingchen Zhao, Yajing Sun, Bingjun Yang and Canzhu Gao, “Study on the Genotoxic Interaction of Methyl Violet with Calf Thymus DNA”, Applied Spectroscopy, 2009, 63: 1331-1335(SCI)
6. 池振兴,潘星任,杨凤梅,刘云业,张利钧,刘汝涛*,“萘乙酸电化学降解机理的研究”,河南师范大学学报,2009, 9: 76-78
1. Rutao Liu*, Ling Li, Yanmin Tian, Zhaohui Tan, Canzhu Gao, Xiaopeng Hao, “Composition-ratio determination of Chrome Azurol S (CAS) with Cu2+ and research on dynamic reaction process of CAS with EDTA”, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2008,71:1021-1026 (SCI)
2. Rutao Liu*, Wansong Zong, Kaikai Jin, Xuetang Lu, Jianhua Zhu, Lijun Zhang, Canzhu Gao, “The toxicosis and detoxifcation of Anionic/Cationic Surfactants targeted to Bovine Serum Albumin”, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2008, 70(1):198-200 (SCI)
3. Rutao Liu*, Zhenxing Chi, Xuefeng Shu, Ming Yu and Canzhu Gao, “Research on the Voltammetric Behavior and Determination of Hypophosphite in Electroless Nickel Plating Solutions”, J of Applied Surface Finishing, 2007, 2(8): 236-242
4. Hua Sui, Lijun Zhang, Wansong Zong, Fuqing Zhang, Rutao Liu*, Canzhu Gao and Chao Li, “Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-Ziconium Dioxide in Recombination Surfactant Association System”, J Dispersion Science Technology,2007, 28:8 (SCI)
5. Rutao Liu*, Wansong Zong, Canzhu Gao*, Zhenxing Chi, Lijun Zhang,“New and clean strategy for the determination of Cu2+ in electroless copper plating baths”, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2007, 68: 150-155 (SCI)
6. Canzhu Gao, Rutao Liu, Ruidong Pan, Ying Zheng, “Determination of pyridinium-1-propane-3 -sulphonate and saccharine in bright nickel electroplating bath”, T. I. Met. Finish., 2006, 84(5): 256-259(SCI)
7. Lijun Ren, Xueliang Yuan, Rutao Liu*, “Research on method development during the strategic environmental assessment”, Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 2006, 21:151-157(SCI)
8. Hua Sui, Gang Zheng, Yuanyuan Zhang, Rutao Liu*, Ganzuo Li, “Synthesis of Ferromagnetic in Detergent Solution”, J Dispersion Science Technology,2006,27(3):311-315(SCI)
9. Guozhong Xu, Rutao Liu, Olga Zak, Philip Aisen, Mark R. Chance, “Structural Allostery and Binding of the Transferrin-Receptor Complex”, Mol. & Cellular Proteomics, 2005,4(12): 1959-1967(Ip=9.876, This research results also selected as the cover picture)
10. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Changxia Sun, Xia Wu, Xibao Gao, Yang Liu, Shufang Liu and Benyu Su, “Resonance Double Light Scattering Method for the Determination of Nucleic Acids with Cetylpyridine Bromide”, Mikrochimica Acta, 2004, 147(1-2): 105-109. (SCI)
11. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Changxia Sun, Xia Wu, Lei Li and Benyu Su, “Study on the interaction between nucleic acids and cationic surfactants”, Colloids and surfaces B-Biointerfaces, 2004, 34(1): 59-63. (SCI)
12. Rutao Liu, Jing-Qu Guan, Olga Zak, Philip Aisen, Mark R. Chance, “Structural Reorganization of the Transferrin C-lobe: Transferrin C-lobe Binds to the Receptor Helical Domain”, Biochemistry, 2003, 42: 12447-12454 (Accelerated Publication; Cell, 2004,116: 483-489, Preview 及Cell, 2004,116: 565-576)
13. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Changxia Sun, Lei Li, Xia Wu, Zhengmin Li, Chuansong Qi, “Study of the interaction of nucleic acids with acridine orange-CTMAB and determination of nucleic acids at nanogram levels based on the enhancement of resonance light scattering”, Chemical Physics Letters, 2003, 376: 108-115.(SCI)
14. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Changxia Sun, Xia Wu, Lei Li, Zhengmin Li, “Resonance light-scattering method for the determination of BSA and HSA with sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate or sodium lauryl sulfate”, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2003, 377(2): 375-379. (SCI, IF=3.328)
15. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, “Study of the interaction between nucleic acid and oxytetracycline- Eu3+ and its analytical application”, J. Lumin., 2002, 96: 201-209. (SCI)
16. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, Zhengmin Li, Fang Huang, “Resonance Rayleigh Light -scattering of Thiamine Hydrochloride-nucleic acid-CTMAB systems and their analytical application”, Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques, 2002, 20(3), 363-376. (SCI)
17. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, Zengjun Lan “Resonance Double Light Scattering Method for the Determination of Proteins with Morin-CTMAB”, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2002, 20(3), 363-376. (SCI)
18. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, Changxia Sun, “Study on the Resonance Light Scattering Spectrum of Berberine-Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide System and the Determination of Nucleic Acids at Nanogram Levels”, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2002, 58/3:459-467 (SCI)
19. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, “Interaction of cetyl pyridine bromide with nucleic acids and determination of nucleic acids at nanogram levels based on the enhancement of resonance Rayleigh light scattering”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2002, 58(9): 1935-1942. (SCI)
20. Rutao Liu, Canzhu Gao, Jinghe Yang, “Study on the High corrosion Resistance and Long Life-span Process of Electroless Nickel”, Metal Finishing, 2002, 100(3): 34-37. (EI)
21. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, Changxia Sun, Tao Wu, “Interaction of Morin-CTMAB with Nucleic Acids and Determination of Nucleic acids at Nanogram Per Milliliter Levels Based on the Enhancement of Preresonance Light Scattering”, The Analyst, 2001, 126:1367-1371. (SCI, Ip=3.761)
22. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, Tao Wu, “Resonance double frequency light scattering of morin- nucleic acid-CTMAB system and their analytical application”, Analytical Chimica Acta, 2001, 448(1-2):85-91. (SCI, Ip=3.146)
23. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, Changxia Sun, “Interaction of CTMAB with nucleic acids and determination of nucleic acids at nanogram levels based on the measurement of light scattering”, Analytical Chimica Acta, 2001,441/2:303-308. (SCI, Ip=3.146)
24. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, Sui Hua, Changxia Sun, “Interaction of morin with CTMAB: Aggregation and location in micellar”, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2001, 57/13:2561-2566. (SCI)
25. Rutao Liu, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, Changxia Sun, “Simple and sensitive determination of nucleic acid by Rayleigh light scattering technique with methyl green-CTMAB”, Indian J. of Chem., 2001, 40A: 1121-1123. (SCI)
26. Rutao Liu, Canzhu Gao, Sui Hua, Yanqing Feng, Jinghe Yang, “Rapid spectrometric Determination of Ni2+ in Electroless Nickel Deposition Baths Containing Fe”,Plating and Surface Finishing, 2001, 88(9): 80-83. (SCI)
27. Rutao Liu, Canzhu Gao, Sui Hua, Jinghe Yang, Yuli Lu,“Derivation and Rapid Spectrophotometric Determination of iron in Electroless Nickel Plating solution”, Plating and Surface Finishing, 2000,87(2): 73-77. (SCI)
28. Rutao Liu, Canzhu Gao, and Yuli Lu, “Study on a medium speed and long life-span electroless nickel plating process”, Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing ,2000, 78(5): 198-200. (SCI)
29. Cunguo Lin, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, Guiling Zhang, Rutao Liu, Xihui Cao, Rongjiang Han, “Enhanced fluorescence of the terbium-gadolinium-nucleic acids system and the determination of nucleic acids”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2000, 403:219- 224. (SCI)
30. Fang Huang, Jinghe Yang, Aiyou Hao, Xia Wu, Rutao Liu,Quanli Ma, “The Study of Spectrographic Properties and Molecular Recognition of Calix[n]arenes”, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2001, 57:1025-1030. (SCI)
31. Canzhu Gao, Yuli Lu, Rutao Liu, “Influence of Additives on Electrodeposition of Nickel from a Watts Bath-a Cyclic Voltammetric study”, Plating and Surface Finishing, 1997, 84(9):83-85. (SCI)
1. BIT Life Sciences' 3 rd Annual PepCon-2010, Beijing, March 21-23, Cohair of Section 10.1 and 10.2.
1.Rutao Liu, Yanmin Tian, Wanxong Zong, "A New Biomarker of Protein Oxidation Degree and Site Using Angiotensin as the Target by MS”, Presentation in Session 8-2: Toxicity Biomarkers and Biomarkers Assay Development of BIT Life Sciences' 3 rd Annual PepCon-2010, 2010,P497.
3. Rutao Liu, Guan, J-Q., Aisen, P., Chance, M.R. “Human Transferrin Binding Sites with Transferrin Receptor Detected by Hydroxyl Radical Footprinting and Mass Spectrometry”,Biophysical Journal,2004, 86: 96a.
4. Chance, M.R., Zak, O., Aisen, P., Rutao Liu, and J-Q.Guan, “Structure of Transferrin: Receptor Complex as Analyzed by Footprinting and Mass Spectrometry”, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrometry, 2004, 15:63S.
5. Rutao Liu, Zak, O., Aisen, P., Chance, M.R.,“Structural Reorganization of Transferrin C-Lobe and Transferrin Receptor Upon Complex Formation: C-Lobe Binds to the Receptor Helical Domain”, Mol. & Cellular Proteomics, 2003, 2.9 supplement, 45.1.
6. Rutao Liu., Aisen, P., Zak, O., Chance, M.R., “Synchrotron Hydroxyl Radical Footprinting and Mass Spectrometry Method to Probe the Surface of Human Transferrin C-Lobe”, Biophysical Journal, 2003, 84: 36A.
1. 刘汝涛, 孙凤, 宗万松,“自动刷瓶装置”,实用新型专利(专利授权号:ZL 2009 2 00020858.9), 授权时间:2010.01.13
2. 刘汝涛, 孙凤, 宗万松, 王丽, 孙雅婧, 刘益宏,“一种环保型茶叶残渣过滤器”, 实用新型专利(专利授权号:ZL 2009 2 00291459), 授权时间:2009.12.25
3. 刘汝涛, 潘星任, 宗万松, 秦鹏飞, 滕跃, 池振兴, “消除荧光测定中内滤效应的新装置及测试新方法”, 发明专利(专利号:ZL 200910015755.8) ,授权时间:2010.10.17
4. 刘汝涛,王梅杰,张鹏军,宗万松,新型剂量可控的实验室用γ射线辐照装置,实用新型专利(专利授权号:ZL 2010 2 0221051.) , 授权时间:2011.04.20
5. 刘汝涛,池振兴,赵星辰,一种利用校正公式消除荧光内滤效应的测试方法,发明专利,(专利授权号:ZL 2010 1 0576071.8) , 授权时间:2012.06.13
6. 刘汝涛、池振兴、疏雪峰,一种利用循环伏安法测定亚磷酸浓度的方法,发明专利(专利授权号:ZL 201010575309.5),授权时间:2013.06.05.
7. 刘汝涛 刘玉龙 于泽华 刘跃岭 韩佃祥 段炼 赵子君 刘洪涛 张文军,袋式除尘器废弃滤袋自动清洗装置,发明专利授权号:ZL201320216976.3,授权时间:2015.5.1
1. Rutao Liu*, Yanmin Tian, Wansong Zong, "A New Biomarker of Protein Oxidation Degree and Site Using Angiotensin as the Target by MS”, Presentation in Session 8-2: Toxicity Biomarkers and Biomarkers Assay, Development of BIT Life Sciences' 3 rd Annual PepCon-2010, March 21-23, 2010, Beijing;
3. Rutao Liu, "Unusual oxidative damage of GSH", 2009, 10.29-11.1, 日本熊本大学;
4. 刘汝涛,“模拟污染物诱发机体氧化损伤之新发现”,环境责任保险制度构建与环境损害鉴定评估高级研讨交流会,2009年3月28-29日,北京;
5. 刘汝涛,“四环素类污染物与机体作用的蛋白质分子水平研究”,环境化学学科发展及人才培养战略研讨会,2011年2月12-14日,广州;
6. 刘汝涛,“4-安替比邻对红细胞氧化应激的影响”,中国诱变剂学会活性氧生物学效应专业委员会成立大会暨第一次全体代表大会,2011年9月28-31日,西安;
7. 刘汝涛,“环境工程”专业课程体系的建设,第六届大学环境类课程论坛,2011年,10月22-23,苏州;